19th Reunion
COVID-19th Reunion Challenge Winners
June 15, 2020
19th (Virtual) Reunion
May 26, 2020
Hi everyone,
It’s time to celebrate and have some good ol’ fashioned fun! We are hosting several Class of 2001 virtual events in honor of our 19th reunion, which is happening online this weekend!
Zoom links to Class events were sent in an email. Contact us if you have questions.
Class of 2001 Virtual Tent (Saturday, May 30)
Whether you want to spend all day connecting with classmates on Zoom, or just pop in and out as you please, the tent will be open!
Please note that you must register for a Zoom account (they are free!) ahead of time to join the tent.
Class of 2001 Virtual Tent Schedule of Events:
ALL DAY: COVID-19th Reunion Challenge Download score card here.
10am EDT (7am PDT) Virtual Tent Opens
11am EDT (8am PDT) Class of 2001 Trivia Quiz
12pm EDT (9am PDT) Sing “Old Nassau”
1:30pm EDT (10:30am PDT) Class President, Patrick Malone’s Address to the Class
2pm EDT (11am PDT) Virtual P-rade (Virtual Tent Closed)
3pm EDT (12pm PDT) Virtual Tent Reopens
4pm EDT (1pm PDT) Family Scavenger Hunt
5pm EDT (2pm PDT) Sing “Old Nassau”
6pm EDT (3pm PDT) Princeton Trivia Quiz
7pm EDT (4pm PDT) Memorabilia & Apparel Scavenger Hunt
8pm EDT (5pm PDT) Virtual Tent Closes
Locomotives whenever the mood moves you!
Full weekend of University Events (Thursday, May 28 – Sunday, May 31)
In addition to our Class of 2001 events, check out the full schedule of Alumni-Faculty Forums, social media parties, online events hosted by classes and campus partners, and more! Events are being added daily at reunions.princeton.edu.
Class of 2001 Satellite Happy Hour (Friday May 29)
Those spirited classmates who attend Reunions in off years are familiar with our Friday night happy hour... well, no need to remember where that hidden Witherspoon garden is this year!
Grab your beverage of choice and join us on Zoom for the Friday evening Class of 2001 Satellite Happy Hour. Please note that you must register for a Zoom account (link below, they are free!) ahead of time to join the happy hour.
7pm EDT – 10pm EDT (4pm PDT – 7pm PDT)
Princeton is in our hearts and wherever you are! We look forward to seeing you this weekend!
Katie Lyon
Class of 2001 Reunion Chair